
2015年2月19日—Thecompanyhascreatedcustomappsfordriverstosubmitpaperwork,tofindloads,savefuelcostsandotherfunctionstoimproveefficiency ...,ZeppelinisyetanotherbestCydiatweakallowsyouwithiPhone,iPadoriPodtouchrunningoniOS8.1changeyourcarrierlogotojustaboutanythingyouwant.,2013年1月3日—Afewdaysagoweshowedyouhowtoaddacustomcarrierlogotoanon-jailbrokencellulariOSdevice.Theapptoenablethehack ...,iOS...

Extending mobility

2015年2月19日 — The company has created custom apps for drivers to submit paperwork, to find loads, save fuel costs and other functions to improve efficiency ...

GRABI » Cydia

Zeppelin is yet another best Cydia tweak allows you with iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running on iOS 8.1 change your carrier logo to just about anything you want.

How to create a custom carrier logo without jailbreaking ...

2013年1月3日 — A few days ago we showed you how to add a custom carrier logo to a non-jailbroken cellular iOS device. The app to enable the hack ...

iOS 17

iOS 17 brings new features for more expressive communication, simplified sharing, and a new full-screen experience for your iPhone.

iOS 8 beta 3: Here's what's new

2014年7月7日 — iOS 8 logo. Apple seeded beta 3 of ... Apple unveiled iOS 8 last month with a number of new features like Handoff, custom keyboards, widgets, ...

iOS 9 Cellular Data Problem "Could not ac…

I use a custom APN, and it was entered exactly as it was previously in iOS 8. No data. Carrier logo appears in upper left, along with 4G, but the data is not ...


部分customLS 部分1.2-1 Custom text does not work. 部分CyDelete7 否0.7-13 否 ... Carrier Name 是1 否No Dock Labels 是1.0.0 否No Glint 是1.0-3 是NoAdStoreOpen ...

[Tutorial] How to make a custom zeppelin logo in iOS 10

2017年3月9日 — Step 1: Find a picture you want as logo and save it to your photos. Step 2: download photoshop touch using appcake. Here is a link to The ...